Georgia Divorce & Family Law Services
Turn to our experienced attorney to represent your divorce case. We’re efficient at assisting our clients with contested or uncontested divorce, asset division, custody and more.
Child Support & Custody
Get the right guidance you need when it comes to legal modifications. We’ll assist you with modifying primary or joint physical custody, visitation, and other parenting time agreements.
When the court orders someone to do (or stop doing) something and that person ignores the order, they are considered to be in contempt of court.
Fathers’ Rights
Whether you are trying to establish your rights as a father or want to protect those rights in divorce, you need to work within the legal rules that apply to family law matters in Georgia.
Uncontested Divorce
Uncontested divorce provides the fastest and least expensive way to dissolve a marriage, but the process may still not be as simple as you expect.
Under Georgia law, parents have legal rights and responsibilities with respect to their children. However, in many cases, legal action is necessary to take advantage of the rights and enforce the responsibilities and proving paternity is a good first step.
Temporary/ Emergency Protective Orders
Keep your kids out of grown folks business
Get yourself a man that will support your dreams.
“Does my wife get a portion of my business that she never helped with?” #divorce
“Your spouse doesn’t have to live in the house for it to be considered marital property”
“Is my wife entitled to property that I owned before the marriage?”
This is really important to consider regarding child custody
January 13, 2025
And my response is…
Criminal Defense Lawyer In Atlanta

Drug Offense Attorney

DUI & Criminal Defense
Rely on our attorney to strongly defend your case if you have been charged with bond hearings, probation violations, misdemeanor or felony charges. Contact us today to discuss your rights.

Meet Attorney Tessie D. Edwards
Learn About Our Attorney and Trust Her Team to Represent Your Case

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Tessie D. Edwards & Assoicates January 27, 2025 5:18 pm